July 2023 Sub Box How-To
Engage in self-reflection and mindfulness with the July 2023 Planning + Stationery Box! This week’s blog includes tips and tricks for using your own sub box items.
Daily Gratitude Insert
These inserts provide the space to truly dig into your gratitude daily. Start with Highlights, which should contain the main idea(s) of your gratitude for that day. From there, note any Inspirations and Milestones. For example, have an inspiration quote to get you through the day? Note it there! Then, your milestones can include goals that you’ve accomplished in your day-to-day life. Finally, make note of any self-care reminders in To Remember, along with Daily Affirmations to bring you into a positive headspace.
The next page includes an area to focus on Thought Reframing. This allows you to not just cultivate positivity, but also let go of any negativity. Note your main Challenges, then fill your page from there. In Areas of Growth, note how you’ve grown either despite or within your challenges. This allows you to consider what To Let Go Of. From there, find Positive Takeaways – this is where the “reframing” comes into play. Despite your challenges, you’ve found areas of growth, negatives that you can free from your thoughts, and something positive to turn your focus towards. To wrap up your reframing ritual, have a focus already in mind to note in Tomorrow’s Focus.
For visual tips, check the demo page found at the end of your insert pack.
Conversation Mini-Journal
“The purpose of this journal is to cultivate mindful reflection of the moments we want to keep, and how to best remember them.”
Have your own personal “conversation” via reflection journaling. Start with a main idea or thought for your reflection, then use your stream-of-consciousness from there! Journal every branching thought, and consider what it means for you and your goals (whether emotional, career, interpersonal, family, or academically related).
Alternatively, share the journal with a friend or family member to preserve a special moment or communicate a disagreement. On one page, write how you feel about the moment/situation. On the next page, have your loved one fill theirs. You will then have a keepsake of a memorable time with that person, and/or have a means to reflect on both sides of an issue.
Helpful questions to consider are located at the front of the journal to aid you in your transformative journey:
What did I learn during this conversation? What did I learn about myself? What did I learn about this person? How do/did I feel? How do/did they feel? What is resonating with me? What should we follow up on? Any other steps?
Wellness Die
This unique dice-system will help maintain mindfulness throughout your day! Start by rolling your die for a wellness prompt, whether it be for deep breathing, a quick stretch break, or even a 10-minute walk. Ensure that you have a moment of quiet and calm so that you can engage with the moment. Use the die in conjunction with your key and prompt card whenever you need a self-care moment. Consider writing thoughts that come to mind within your Mindful Reflection Insert.
Mindful Reflection Insert
This insert is perfect for reflecting on any and every significant moment! Choose an event or moment that you would like to reflect on. Summarize the Details of the events - why is it significant? In the Emotional Response space, reflect on how the moment made you feel. Again - what about your emotional response is significant? Once you’ve truly engaged with your reflection process, take time to write or sketch your Thoughts and Key Takeaways.
Example: When reflecting on an event such as visiting a long-time friend, you may realize in Thoughts and Takeaways that it’s important to build connections with those you care about. This unveils an action item: specifically scheduling time with loved ones. Instead of simply acknowledging as much, take the time to block off time within your calendar. This transforms your reflection process into a manifestation process.
For visual tips, check the demo page found at the end of your insert pack.
Try using your July 2023 Planning + Stationery Box with:
ONE-MINUTE HABITS PLANNER DASHBOARD | Create your own key using these one-minute habits with your Wellness Die.
DAILY WELLNESS PLANNER INSERT BUNDLE | Add all of your new wellness inserts into one cohesive planner.
INMORNING CEO CHIC GEL PEN | Provides a comfortable grip for long-form writing and journaling.
HALF STICKY NOTES | MOOD TRACKER | Seamlessly add a daily mood tracker to your daily gratitude pages.

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