How C&P Affiliates Are Building Their 2024 Planners
Community is the backbone of C&P, and our affiliates are the backbone of the community!
We've interviewed C&P's planning pros to learn about their 2024 planner setups and tips for refreshing your planner. Read more for in-depth details about their planning routine, creative processes, and helpful methods for both planning beginners and veterans!

Bari Lee (plannershops)
Planner Size: Half Letter and Mini HP
Planner Cover: Varied
2024 Dated Insert Design(s) Being Used: I am using Horizontal Weekly Inserts for my schedule in my Mini HP. I am using the monthly pages from the Horizontal Monthly Inserts to monitor my Social Media in another section in this planner. I use multiple planners. In both my Work Planner and my Marketing and Technology Planner (both Half Letter), I am using the Year Overview Inserts and the 2024 Year at a Glance Dashboard.
Favorite C&P Product: How can I choose – I love everything, but if I had to pick, I would say all the different spiral notebooks (and the sub boxes).
When it comes to building your 2024 planner, what are you most excited about?
I love setting up the planners for the new year. It is a great opportunity to refresh the planner. I put in 3 months of the monthly and 2-3 months of the weekly at a time. I archive everything.
What do you love about the dated inserts you chose?
Horizontal layouts work best for me so I can see appointments on the left side and To Do Items on the right. I am so excited to get the full size boxes in the monthly. The Year Overview is such a useful insert to plan your goals and reflect on your accomplishments quarterly and monthly. That is why I use in 2 different planners.
Tell us about your ideas for re-organizing/re-designing your planner in preparation for 2024!
I am not planning to reorganize this year. I currently have planner peace (is that really possible?), so will be keeping my multiple planner set-up, but changing out dashboards, and accessories for the new year in addition to the 2024 inserts.
What is your advice for others building a new planner who don't know where to start?
A great place to start is a planner consultation. There are so many ways to set up your planner, and some guidance can jump start your planner organization customized to your personal needs.
Are you using a specific color palette or theme for 2024? If so, tell us about it!
My planning style is luxe neutral. I use mostly black, white and gray. The only accent color I use is some olive green, and I am so glad that Cloth & Paper has introduced me to so many olive products in the last year!
Can we get some planner flip photos?

Carissa (25traildesigns)
Planner Size: Personal
Planner Cover: Foundations Planner in Cortado
2024 Dated Insert Design(s) Being Used: For 2024 I am using a Yearly Overview, Horizontal Weekly, and a Dated Daily Planner Insert.
Favorite C&P Product: This is so hard to narrow down but my favorite Cloth and Paper product has to be page flags. I probably have every color and shape.
When it comes to building your 2024 planner, what are you most excited about?
When it comes to building my 2024 planner, I’m most excited about using the new monthly layout. I am in love with the bigger squares and its ability to be separated from the weeks or daily that it comes with.
What do you love about the dated inserts you chose?
I love the Dated Daily Inserts because it motivates me to plan everyday. I feel like I can’t waste a day, although it does happen, so I have to make time and plan my day out. Of course, it also helps me with my tasks, schedules, and tracking things.
Tell us about your ideas for re-organizing/re-designing your planner in preparation for 2024!
For 2024, I am thinking of sticking with a theme. I love the simplicity of neutral colors in my planner but still add function. So I want to use neutral accessories (stickers, dashboards, journaling cards and sticky notes) that serves a purpose and not just decor. I love using cohesive colors that still motivates and inspire me when I look at it.
What is your advice for others building a new planner who don't know where to start?
If you’re trying to build a new planner my main advice would be to write down what you want to have in your planner (sections, inserts, etc.). This will allow you to see how much space, pages, and different inserts you will need. Planning out your planner is real. I do this every year because every year it can change. It helps me narrow down my planner purchases.
Are you using a specific color palette or theme for 2024? If so, tell us about it!
For 2024 my color inspiration is my planner, which is in Cortado. I want to use neutral hues in my planner to tie it all in. I’m loving the Ibiza stickers, Moscow square page flags, ristretto spotlight stickers, circle page flags in volume 2, neutral sticky note in saddle, and all the neutral journaling cards.
Are there any other details/tips you’d like to share?
I am really enjoying my Foundations planner especially because of the big pocket in the back. This feature allows me to carry important paper work, notepad sheets, and most of all extra stickers. I didn’t always carry stickers with me but with this planner I do. You never know when you’ll need to note something and add a dot sticker to make it stand out!
Can we get some planner flip photos?

Iesha Ward (plannergurlzrock)
Planner Size: Mini HP, CP Petite, HalfLetter, Spiral A5
Planner Cover: Heirloom Cover in Catalonia (CP Petite & Large) and Smooth Leather Folio/Soft Cover in Black (Mini HP)
2024 Dated Insert Design(s) Being Used: Dated Horizontal Weekly, Dated Daily, Year Overview Inserts
Favorite C&P Product: Task Delegation Inserts
When it comes to building your 2024 planner, what are you most excited about?
I'm most excited about having the entire year accessible at one time. For the past 2yrs, I've finally perfected the system FOR ME. I keep the full year in my main planner (mini hp) along with Notes and a purchase tracker (divided using the Essential Dividers). Simple & straight to the point.
What do you love about the dated inserts you chose?
The Horizontal Weekly works well with my brain. I can easily identify items/tasks that are most important and see my week as a whole - prioritization is a must and this format helps me prioritize weekly tasks. This year I also opted to add the Dated Daily for my CP Petite. While the Mini HP is completely portable as an on-the-go planner, the CP Petite has taken the #1 spot. As an on-the-go/as-needed planner, it only made sense to choose daily. When I'm out and about, I'm usually running errands from a list. The Dated Daily format is ideal for tracking to-do lists along with keeping up with appointments for the day.
Tell us about your ideas for re-organizing/re-designing your planner in preparation for 2024!
For 2024, the only other big change in addition to what I mentioned above will be adding a few additional dividers to my MHP. Currently I use the Essential Dividers and within my Notes + Lists section, I'd like to divide up my Lined Notes, Task Delegation and Task List Inserts for more customization and easy access.
What is your advice for others building a new planner who doesn't know where to start?
My advice for someone just starting out, identify how you want to manage your calendar - do you need either a monthly, weekly or daily, or a combination of all 3? This should be the meat & potatoes of your planner. Next, think about how to work through and organize your tasks/to-do lists. Outline everything else as a reference and determine what other sections you need for a day-to-day planner.
Are you using a specific color palette or theme for 2024? If so, tell us about it!
I don't usually have a specific color palette or theme, I generally gravitate toward black & white as a base and then I'll pick a specific color for my monthly layout using the circle page flags, mini shape stickers, etc. This year and going into 2024, I am leaning towards more muted tones, specifically olives and browns.
Are there any other details/tips you’d like to share?
Planning is personal. Make whatever you use work for you. Adopt your own, unique style of planning. Simple and straightforward to achieve your goals and maintain a consistent level of productivity is always best.
Can we get some planner flip photos?

Lacey Edley (LivingWithLacey)
Planner Size: CP Petite and Half Letter
Planner Cover: CP Petite in Fossil
2024 Dated Insert Design(s) Being Used:
2024 Monthly Inserts (Monday Start)
2024 Weekly Horizontal Inserts
Half Letter Dated Dailies
Favorite C&P Product: Weekly Horizontal Inserts and Essentials Pouch filled with accessories.
When it comes to building your 2024 planner, what are you most excited about?
I’m most excited about customizing a planner to specifically meet my needs and using a new planner size. Each year, I take a step back and identify my current needs as well as evaluate what is working and what is not. I have realized that I need something compact that will easily fit in any bag. Throughout the year, I used my CP Petite just for note-taking. I realized it was perfect for on-the-go planning. This upcoming year, I’ve decided to upgrade it to a full planner with all of the C&P accessories!
What do you love about the dated inserts you chose?
Functionality is something that is extremely important to me. As a teacher, a content creator, a wife and mom, I need an insert that is functional and easy to use. I’m an elementary school teacher. I teach various grades and my daily schedule is never the same. The Dated Daily Inserts will help me stay organized and productive. I love that I can set goals and plan for the month. Each week, I will be able to create a running to-do list as well as take notes and add top priorities and tasks. Behind each month, there is a note section where I can keep important information from meetings. The agenda will allow me to write in my own times, which as you can see is important to my daily schedule.
I also chose the Monthly Inserts with a Monday start for my CP Petite. In order for me to truly know where my time is going, I like to see a “birds-eye view” of my month. From there, I’ll plan my weeks and use the Task List Inserts to jot down daily notes.
For personal use, I chose the Weekly Horizontal Inserts. I’ve used these inserts from the beginning. They are a staple in my planning systems. These inserts allow me to highlight important timed tasks on the left and create a daily list of home chores, meals, and errands on the right. To be honest, this insert is in every one of my planners! Yes, that’s how much I love it!
Tell us about your ideas for re-organizing/re-designing your planner in preparation for 2024!
Prepping for a new year is a great way to reset your planner. It allows you to be intentional about your needs, while assessing what worked or needs to be tweaked. I’m excited to try out my CP Petite as my planner instead of a notebook. Since I’m using it as an on-the go planner I really only need 3 sections: Schedule, Finances, and Notes. I want it to be simple and efficient. In order to fill my CP Petite with beautiful dashboards and accessories, of course, I subscribe to the monthly planning box. This way my planner continues to stay “fresh” throughout the year.
What is your advice for others building a new planner who don't know where to start?
When building a new planner, here’s 4 things I suggest to keep in mind:
Start with understanding the purpose of your planner. Will it be for wellness and health, meal planning, personal, professional, or everything? Deciding what your purpose for the planner will also be your foundation while building it.
Planner sizes vary from very large to extra small. I would start by looking at your writing size. If you write large, you definitely want to look more at the larger planners such as a Classic or A5. If you write on the smaller size, then take a look at the HP Mini or Personal planners. Also, decide if the planner will stay at home or work on a desk vs on the go. I use the CP Petite for on the go because it’s small and portable. My half letter is a little larger, so I leave it on my desk at work.
Make sure you take a look at the Cloth and Paper size guide to find the perfect fit.
LAYOUT (Horizontal, Weekly Schedule, Vertical)
There are so many layouts to choose from, but the good news is you can choose as many as needed! Choosing a layout goes back to identifying your needs and planning style. If you enjoy making lists, I would recommend the weekly horizontal or the vertical weekly lined inserts. These are both perfect for creating to-do lists. Perhaps you are in need of an insert with a schedule, try out the new weekly schedule. I’m thinking about adding it to my system as well.
This is where the fun begins! Accessories are what is used to make your planner stand out. I love adding journaling cards in the pockets as well as throughout my planner. These are great visual elements that offer encouragement. My favorite thing to do is layering. I enjoy laying a piece of handwritten vellum over a dashboard with an abstract photo. My favorite one is the Perspective Discbound Cover Planner Dashboard! It’s beautiful!
Customizing a planner to suit your needs will change your life….just like it changed mine!
Are you using a specific color palette or theme for 2024? If so, tell us about it!
I LOVE neutrals and they go perfectly with C&P’s sleek minimalistic style! My color scheme inspiration comes from the SPOTLIGHT Page Flags with the colors Saddle, Moscow, and Crepe. These colors will be a great accent to my CP Petite in Fossil!
Are there any other details/tips you’d like to share?
Make sure your planner reflects you and your needs. It’s easy to fall down the rabbit hole and purchase everything you see on social media. Remember the purpose of your planner and how it will meet your needs. If you are new to planning, I would suggest trying the monthly subscription box. Each month, you will be introduced to new designs, layouts and/or dashboards. In time you will figure out your planning style! Happy Planning!
Can we get some planner flip photos?

Pascha Shepard (poshplans)
Planner Size: Personal Rings
Planner Cover: Custom Black Leather
2024 Dated Insert Design(s) Being Used: Dated Daily
Favorite C&P Product: Dated Daily Inserts - they have brought me some planner peace
When it comes to building your 2024 planner, what are you most excited about?
Getting all the sections together and uplifting dashboards
What do you love about the dated inserts you chose?
It has enough space for everything I need in a day: to-do, schedule, gratitude, and “do not forget”
Tell us about your ideas for re-organizing/re-designing your planner in preparation for 2024!
I hope to pare it down if anything, my current set-up works well.
What is your advice for others building a new planner who don't know where to start?
Make a list of everything you want in your planner, cross off what you don’t really need, then start shopping for best inserts.
Are you using a specific color palette or theme for 2024? If so, tell us about it!
I try to be as minimal as possible; too much “stuff” I do not really need overwhelms me and then the planner is no longer useful to me. And I won’t reach for it. My palette is black/white/soft pink or neutrals. I like to choose dashboards and journaling cards that uplift and resonate with me personally.
Are there any other details/tips you’d like to share?
Stick to what works for you; operating from FOMO will waste money and not satisfy you. Want to try a new size? Work off a free printable to help you decide.
Can we get some planner flip photos?

Tina Thelen
Planner Size: A5 & personal
Planner Cover: Foundations A5 in Cortado; and Foundations Cover Personal in Avant Garde
2024 Dated Insert Design(s) Being Used: Using the sub box inserts that we received, I really fell in love with the Weekly Schedule Inserts; AND I am a dailies kind of gal, so its a toss up between the weekly time schedule and new Dated Dailies for my A5 desk
Favorite C&P Product: LOVE the Luxe Page Flags
When it comes to building your 2024 planner, what are you most excited about?
New layout for monthly will allow me to use the square page flags, this is a GAME CHANGER for me, as I like writing in the monthly items, but prefer to use sticky notes, this allows for changes without having to use white out!! 😉 I am so picky about neatness in my planner!!
What do you love about the dated inserts you chose?
The revised monthly which allows for me to use square sticky notes which allows for ease in changes. I love the weekly time schedule because it allows me to leave my planner open on my desk for a week at a glance!
What is your advice for others building a new planner who don't know where to start?
Start simple. Define what you want to achieve from your planner, whether it's for personal notes, for weekly tasks, for appointments, etc.
Are you using a specific color palette or theme for 2024? If so, tell us about it!
I am in love with the olive color pens, sticky notes, transparent page flags, so I want to coordinate my Cortado A5 cover with maybe an Olive theme.
Can we get some planner flip photos?
Shop Affiliate Faves
Spiral Notebooks
Page Flags
Task Delegation Inserts

2024 Dated Planner Inserts
Essentials Pouch
Luxe Page Flags

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Marcelina said:
I love every single C&P affiliate as they all bring their own unique style and personality into planning. It’s always exciting when they share products and show us different ideas for using them. We get to maximize our supplies and inserts. Thank you!
Faye Brown said:
Hello C&P Fam, You Guys are truly my Wizards of Oz, I need a little bit of this and a little bit of that. I started out with C&P a few years back with a plan and now I am mix- a-lot between Bari and Iesha. Thanks for all that you guys offer. Ashley you chose the right job for your personality.